How we met

Meeting Jill

The day I met Jill was a bit of an unusual day.  Unusual because at the time, I normally worked from home on Tuesdays so I could have my weekly conference call with China.  This week was different because I was working from home on a Wednesday.
As often happened, my friend and neighbor Kelly texted me that morning asking if I wanted to come over for some fresh hot baked goods and some coffee.  I, being a bachelor, and not very good at baking, said yes (of course!) – Kelly’s baked goods are legendary.  Kelly also mentioned that there was a single, straight girl at her house.  I said “whatever, baked goods and coffee!” – the very last thing on my mind was meeting someone special.
So I wandered the ten steps from my front door to Kelly’s, knocked and let myself in.   Immediately my eyes fell upon Jill, as she was sitting at the kitchen table facing the door, and my only thought was “wow, who is that beautiful woman?”.
I did the usual “good morning Kelly” and gave Kelly a hug, introduced myself, and tried to play it cool.  I failed miserably.  Next thing I knew, Jill and I were deep into conversation, and I kept making note of how much we had in common, and what great chemistry we seemed to have.  I’m pretty certain that I had the hugest grin on my face I’ve ever had.  I was fascinated by her, and giddy as a school boy to hang out with her as much as I could.
The rest, as they say, is history..
Meeting Don

The first time I looked into Don’s baby blues was over a cup of coffee and freshly baked banana bread from across my friend’s kitchen table.  Was it fate that we both happened to be home during mid-week, were single and enjoyed baked goods?  Was the environment being so stimulating due to the strength of the coffee I wondered?  Perhaps it was the easy conversation and laughter that made time stop?  It may be that I was intrigued by that mysterious boyish twinkle in his eyes, I could ponder this for hours.  Was it truly “loaf” at first site?  Well one thing is clear, I’ve certainly been bananas for this charming, handsome man since that first flavorful moment.